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By submitting your details via this online form you agree to be contacted via email/phone/SMS by Yumapos LTD UK. We do not share your personal details with third parties. To view our full Privacy Policy
Get Started with £0 Upfront Payment
By submitting your details via this online form you agree to be contacted via email/phone/SMS by Yumapos LTD UK. We do not share your personal details with third parties. To view our full Privacy Policy

Loyalty That's Priceless!

Boost sales with advanced marketing tools. Launch targeted automated campaigns and keep customers coming back.

Turn visits into loyal customers with YUMA's automated rewards system.

Протестируйте работу бэк-офиса бесплатно в течение 14 дней
Promo Campaigns
Customise your marketing with endless options. Target specific customer segments, set campaign rules, use banners, and offer rewards to boost profits.
Increase Sales with YUMA
Unified Loyalty Solution
Customers can see campaign details on their Mobile App, Website, or in-store.

Cashiers can monitor campaigns directly from the screen.
Loyalty Programmes
Encourage repeat visits with easy-to-track points and rewards.

Customer can track their points via their Mobile app and Website.
Promo Performance
Get data-driven insights to measure and improve your marketing campaigns.

Understand what your customers love, so you can do more of it.
Promotional Videos
Push Notifications
Customer Ratings
Launch a campaign and see it instantly in YUMA and on your Website.
Request feedback to let customers rate your service and food.
Broadcast promotional videos in your restaurant to boost your brand.
Send impactful messages directly to your customers.
Automatic Data Sync
Boost Sales with Strategic Promotions and Discounts
Promotional Codes
Generate and assign one-time promotional codes to campaigns.
Offer gift cards for flexible customer purchases.
Gift Cards
Create attractive combo deals with specific menu items.
Offer select menu items for free during promotions.
Free Items
Schedule discounts for specific dates or times.
Scheduled Discounts
Set discounts for specific menu items, categories, customer groups & more.
Fixed Discounts
Boost Your Sales With Expertly Designed Promotions
Get Started with £0 Upfront, Free Menu Build & Training
Get Started with £0 Upfront Payment
By submitting your details via this online form you agree to be contacted via email/phone/SMS by Yumapos LTD UK. We do not share your personal details with third parties. To view our full Privacy Policy